Macbook M1 体验 Operator 部署 Lightning
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一定要学习 K8S Lightning 的原因是,单纯靠映射端口在大批量导数时很难满足预期,具体 tidb backend 和 local backend 模式导入速度差距很大,官网参考数据见下表。
Lighting 比较特殊,它只是一个可执行文件,在探索在找到了 2 中使用 Lightning 的方式,即:k8s 集群外部调用 tidb-lightning binary 和 TiDB 官网推荐的使用 helm 创建导入任务。
二、Operator 上部署 Lightning
TiDB 官网的导入集群数据介绍的比较完善,以下是具体的操作步骤。
准备 PV 并部署 lightning
shelljan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % vim tidb-lightning-values.yaml ...... # For `local` backend, an extra PV is needed for local KV sorting. sortedKV: storageClassName: local-storage storage: 5Gi ...... jan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % helm search repo -l tidb-operator jan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % helm inspect values pingcap/tidb-lightning --version=v1.4.0 > tidb-lightning-values.yaml local-storage 12d jan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % kubectl get nodes --show-labels NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION LABELS docker-desktop Ready control-plane 13d v1.25.4,,,,,, # 指定查到的 Node Name(即:docker-desktop) jan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % vim tidb-lightning-pv.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: local-sharedssd spec: capacity: storage: 5Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: local-storage local: path: /Users/jan/Database/k8s/data_tidb/sharedssd nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - docker-desktop jan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % kubectl apply -f tidb-lightning-pv.yaml jan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % kubectl get pv |grep -B 10 Available NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE local-sharedssd 5Gi RWO Retain Available jan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % helm install jan-lightning pingcap/tidb-lightning --namespace=tidb-cluster --set failFast=true -f tidb-lightning-values.yaml --version=v1.4.0 NAME: jan-lightning LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Mar 29 17:18:45 2023 NAMESPACE: tidb-cluster STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: 1. Check tidb-lightning status kubectl get job -n tidb-cluster -l kubectl get po -n tidb-cluster -l 2. Check tidb-lightning logs kubectl logs -n tidb-cluster -l 3. View tidb-lightning status page kubectl port-forward -n tidb-cluster svc/jan-lightning-tidb-lightning 8289:8289 View http://localhost:8289 in web browser jan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % kubectl logs -n tidb-cluster -l --tail=-1 |grep "successfully" tidb lightning exit successfully
shelljan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % kubectl get pod -n tidb-cluster |grep lightning jan-lightning-tidb-lightning-7ssfc 0/1 Completed 0 22h
三、物理机调用 Lightning
因为 Lightning 需要与 tikv, tidb, pd 的运行端口及状态端口,所以均需要暴露给本地物理机。
shelljan@Jan-M1-Pro ~ % kubectl port-forward svc/basic-tidb 6000:4000 -n tidb-cluster Forwarding from -> 4000 Forwarding from [::1]:6000 -> 4000 Handling connection for 6000 jan@Jan-M1-Pro ~ % kubectl port-forward svc/basic-tidb 10080:10080 -n tidb-cluster Forwarding from -> 10080 Forwarding from [::1]:10080 -> 10080 jan@Jan-M1-Pro ~ % kubectl port-forward svc/basic-pd 2379:2379 -n tidb-cluster Forwarding from -> 2379 Forwarding from [::1]:2379 -> 2379 jan@Jan-M1-Pro ~ % kubectl port-forward svc/basic-tikv-peer 20160:20160 -n tidb-cluster Forwarding from -> 20160 Forwarding from [::1]:20160 -> 20160 Handling connection for 20160
\"transport: Error while dialing dial tcp: lookup basic-pd-0.basic-pd-peer.tidb-cluster.svc: no such host\"
指向 tidb cluster 反回了 k8s 内部路由信息给 lightning。shelljan@Jan-M1-Pro tidb-config % tiup tidb-lightning -c ./lightning-config.yaml --log-file ./lightning.log tiup is checking updates for component tidb-lightning ... Starting component `tidb-lightning`: /Users/jan/.tiup/components/tidb-lightning/v6.6.0/tidb-lightning -c ./lightning-config.yaml --log-file ./lightning.log Verbose debug logs will be written to ./lightning.log {"level":"warn","ts":"2023-03-30T02:20:19.463+0800","logger":"etcd-client","caller":"v3@v3.5.2/retry_interceptor.go:62","msg":"retrying of unary invoker failed","target":"etcd-endpoints://0x14000d78000/","attempt":0,"error":"rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = latest balancer error: last connection error: connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing dial tcp: lookup basic-pd-0.basic-pd-peer.tidb-cluster.svc: no such host\""} {"level":"info","ts":"2023-03-30T02:20:19.464+0800","logger":"etcd-client","caller":"v3@v3.5.2/client.go:207","msg":"Auto sync endpoints failed.","error":"context deadline exceeded"} tidb lightning encountered error: [Lightning:KV:ErrCreateKVClient]create kv client error: [PD:client:ErrClientCreateTSOStream]create TSO stream failed, retry timeout
绕过办法是在 host 中添加所有 svc 的域名映射
shelljan@Jan-M1-Pro ~ % cat /etc/hosts ...... basic-pd-0.basic-pd-peer.tidb-cluster.svc basic-tikv-0.basic-tikv-peer.tidb-cluster.svc
sqlmysql> show tables; Empty set (0.01 sec) // 指定 lightning 导入任务,并等待完成 mysql> show tables; +----------------+ | Tables_in_test | +----------------+ | sbtest1 | | sbtest10 | | sbtest2 | | sbtest3 | | sbtest4 | | sbtest5 | | sbtest6 | | sbtest7 | | sbtest8 | | sbtest9 | +----------------+ 10 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> select * from sbtest10 limit 1; +----+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | k | c | pad | +----+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | 2506 | 77825755741-57613716249-41363434969-61943511716-24253397196-16456423243-71719660127-90287149046-57007239064-51092775305 | 22380089381-03483981033-98305230683-44627144526-67135627326 | +----+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)