scernario stories
First of all
- talk about life lessions and experiences
- use the past tense, the present perfect, and the past perfect.
- make comments when telling a story.
- use (It's) no wonder ... to say something is not surprising.
About grammar
What's the difference between present prefect and present prefect continous.
a. present prefect : until now, I might turn to the other thing or keep on doing the same thing.
b. present perfect continous : until now, I might continously keep on the same thing.Use the past tense for situations and events that are part of a completed past time, not connected to now.
a. I lived in Italy a few years ago.(I'm not there now).Use past present perfect for situations and events that are part of a past time that continues up to now.
a. Life has been interesting so far. (It still is)Use simple verbs for completed events or permanent situations.
a. Marco's band broke up.Use continuous verbs for background, on going, or temporary events or situations.
a. He's been coaching a soccer team.
About content
New words
- miserable
- penalty
- hall
- ethics
- deterrent
- anecdote
- gymnastics
- pervasive
- evolve
- spot
- determine
- convention
- bartenders
- sibling
- literal
- rigidly
- infer
- anonymous
- analogous
- jargon
- abbreviation
- facilitate
- amortize
New Phrases
- woke/waked up(woke's more common in use)
- life's ups and downs
- cheer you up/make you happy
- break up(end up)
- count toward our final grade
- struggling with the class
- fall behind on my work
- caught up on
- turn in(hand on)
- left the question blank
- raised his hand
- affect my grade
- complete that questions
- count towards
- turn to(going to)
- turn into (water turns into tea and is changed totally)
- be convicted of (get sentenced to)
- right before ... + clause with simple past