1.1 客户反馈问题 据客户反馈,在 13:30 左右出现 SQL 整体变慢的现象,询问原因及解决方案。 1.2 Grafana 监控 首先,一句观察确实存在 Duration 整体升高的现象;
但是,该时段的 SQL OPS 却未升高,说明此时段并未出现应用暴增大量 SQL 情况;
观察内存变化,发现 TIDB 节点(IP15、IP16)中,IP15 节点内存使用明显升高,可能问题出在传送到该节点的 SQL 出现异常;
同时,观察到 TiKV CPU 使用率整体升高,不太可能由于 TiKV 性能抖动、网络抖动等原因;
观察网络流量,发现 IP15 节点的 Inbound 达到 1G,同时其他 TiKV 节点的 Outbound 升高,说明IP15 可能被打满,进而影响整个集群性能。
1.3 网卡带宽 该生产集群为万兆网卡;
[tidb@ip-9-23-3-15 log]$ ethtool bond0
Settings for bond0:
Speed: 10000Mb/s
2.1 检查语句
select query sql_text,
mnt as executions,
when avg_proc_time = 0 then
'point_get or commit'
when (avg_proc_time > avg_wait_time and
avg_proc_time > avg_backoff_time) then
when (avg_backoff_time > avg_wait_time and
avg_proc_time < avg_backoff_time) then
end) as type
from (select substr(query, 1, 100) query,
count(*) mnt,
avg(query_time) avg_query_time,
avg(process_time) avg_proc_time,
avg(wait_time) avg_wait_time,
max(query_time) max_query_time,
sum(query_time) sum_query_time,
avg(backoff_time) avg_backoff_time
from information_schema.slow_query
where time >= '2021-05-07 13:20:00'
and time <= '2021-05-07 13:35:00'
and (lower(query) not like 'analyze%' or
lower(query) not like 'alter%')
group by substr(query, 1, 100)) t
order by sum_query_time desc,
executions desc,
avg_query_time desc limit 20;
2.2 输出结果
*************************** 1. row ***************************
sql_text: SELECT id AS id, code AS code, relationNo AS relationNo, proposalNo AS proposalNo, ssProposalNo AS
sum_query_time: 904.0470936730003
executions: 1040
avg_query_time: 0.8692760516086542
avg_proc_time: 0.00001153846153846154
avg_wait_time: 0.00000576923076923077
max_query_time: 4.691674843
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: coprocessor_process
*************************** 2. row ***************************
sql_text: SELECT id AS id, orderId AS orderId, type AS type, insuredType AS insuredType, changeInsuredType AS
sum_query_time: 399.65042316099994
executions: 437
avg_query_time: 0.9145318607803202
avg_proc_time: 0.00043935926773455404
avg_wait_time: 0.001796338672768879
max_query_time: 3.965649058
avg_backoff_time: 0.000004576659038901602
type: coprocessor_wait
*************************** 3. row ***************************
sql_text: SELECT id AS id, orderId AS orderId, orderType AS orderType, funNo AS funNo, funUrl AS funUrl, isCo
sum_query_time: 286.730882666
executions: 255
avg_query_time: 1.1244348339843138
avg_proc_time: 0.0003490196078431374
avg_wait_time: 0.0027568627450980394
max_query_time: 5.012617706
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: coprocessor_wait
*************************** 4. row ***************************
sql_text: select id, product_model_id,message_template_id, relation_list,product_statement_title,fixed
sum_query_time: 218.80345473799997
executions: 193
avg_query_time: 1.1336966566735749
avg_proc_time: 0.00021761658031088085
avg_wait_time: 0
max_query_time: 5.437438295
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: coprocessor_process
*************************** 5. row ***************************
sql_text: INSERT INTO insurance_order_to_org (id, orderId, orderType, funNo, funUrl, isCompleted, sort, creat
sum_query_time: 213.487945341
executions: 173
avg_query_time: 1.234034366132948
avg_proc_time: 0
avg_wait_time: 0
max_query_time: 5.538053322
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: point_get or commit
*************************** 6. row ***************************
sql_text: SELECT id AS id, orderId AS orderId, pdfType AS pdfType, createDate AS createDate, updateDate AS up
sum_query_time: 185.341252661
executions: 188
avg_query_time: 0.9858577269202128
avg_proc_time: 0.0002553191489361702
avg_wait_time: 0.002398936170212766
max_query_time: 3.783315653
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: coprocessor_wait
*************************** 7. row ***************************
sql_text: commit;
sum_query_time: 169.47936289400002
executions: 155
avg_query_time: 1.0934152444774194
avg_proc_time: 0
avg_wait_time: 0
max_query_time: 2.877081402
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: point_get or commit
*************************** 8. row ***************************
sql_text: select id, product_id,main_clause_code,main_clause_name,clause_type, liability_type,clause_code,medi
sum_query_time: 157.704614038
executions: 144
avg_query_time: 1.0951709308194444
avg_proc_time: 0.0004097222222222223
avg_wait_time: 0.0001388888888888889
max_query_time: 4.499073241
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: coprocessor_process
*************************** 9. row ***************************
sql_text: INSERT IGNORE INTO rabbitmq_consume_record (id, orderId, pdfType, createDate, updateDate, consumeS
sum_query_time: 137.144392501
executions: 112
avg_query_time: 1.2245035044732142
avg_proc_time: 0
avg_wait_time: 0
max_query_time: 4.619352579
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: point_get or commit
*************************** 10. row ***************************
sql_text: SELECT * FROM `ncisp_orders` LIMIT 8729000, 1000;
sum_query_time: 136.27416871
executions: 1
avg_query_time: 136.27416871
avg_proc_time: 630.249
avg_wait_time: 20.584
max_query_time: 136.27416871
avg_backoff_time: 0
type: coprocessor_process
10 rows in set (1.23 sec)
2.3 执行计划
[ogg33@] [ncisp]> explain SELECT * FROM `ncisp_orders` LIMIT 8729000, 1000;
| id | estRows | task | access object | operator info |
| Limit_7 | 1000.00 | root | | offset:8729000, count:1000 |
| ©∏©§TableReader_12 | 8730000.00 | root | | data:Limit_11 |
| ©∏©§Limit_11 | 8730000.00 | cop[tikv] | | offset:0, count:8730000 |
| ©∏©§TableFullScan_10 | 8730000.00 | cop[tikv] | table:ncisp_orders | keep order:false |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[ogg33@] [ncisp]> select count(*) from ncisp_orders;
| count(*) |
| 8789461 |
1 row in set (0.83 sec)
2.4 估算数据量
[ogg33@] [ncisp]> show table status like '%ncisp_orders'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Name: ncisp_orders
Engine: InnoDB
Version: 10
Row_format: Compact
Rows: 8788191
Avg_row_length: 16710
Data_length: 146854445481
Max_data_length: 0
Index_length: 1678429127
Data_free: 0
Auto_increment: NULL
Create_time: 2021-04-26 21:05:17
Update_time: NULL
Check_time: NULL
Collation: utf8mb4_bin
Comment: ∂©µ•±Ì
1 row in set (0.09 sec)
平均行长 16710 bytes(16K),执行计划该条 SQL 的物理执行中包含“全表扫描”,在 TiKV 层扫描出 8730000 行,换算后接近 8730000 * 16K = 133G; 万兆网卡 10000M bit/s 换算后约为 120G Bytes/s,可见,此时 IP15 节点的网卡因这条 SELECT 被打满。
需向应用查明该条 SQL 的执行目的,如非必要,尽力规避或将该 SQL 拆分为多批次小数据量查询。